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Mihail Sadoveanu


Mihail Sadoveanu was born in Paşcani in 1880. His father was a lawyer. He studied law in Bucharest but gave it up to devote himself to writing. He started writing seriously when he moved permanently to Bucharest and promised to write two novels a year, a promise he generally kept. He became director of the National Theatre of Iaşi in 1910,a post he kept for ten years, apart from a break when he served as an officer in World War I. His first major novel was Hanu-Ancutei (Ancuta’s Inn), which used the traditional model of travellers telling stories in an inn. He continued to publish successful plays, stories and novels. After the Soviet takeover, he supported communism and spoke publicly in favour of Stalin. He won a seat for a pro-Communist party in 1946 and was elected president of the Parliament and later became a member of the Presidium. He was also elected president of the Writers’ Union. However his continued involvement in politics had a negative effect on his writing. Though he continued writing, it was not of the quality of his earlier work. He died in 1961.

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Mihail Sadoveanu
‘Mihail Sadoveanu’ Memorial House


(Only books translated into English)

1905 Povestiri din razboi (Tales of War)
1910 Povestiri de seara (Evening Tales)
1912 Bordeenii si alte povestiri (The Mud-Hut Dwellers)
1928 Hanu-Ancutei (Ancuta’s Inn)
1929 Zodia Cancerului sau Vremea Ducăi-Vodă (Under the Sign of the Crab)
1930 Baltagul (The Hatchet)
1933 Creanga de aur (The Golden Bough)
1934 Viata lui Stefan cel Mare (The Life of Stephen the Great)
1949 Mitrea Cocor (Mitrea Cocor)
1956 Venea o moara pe Siret (The Mill That Came With The Floods)