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Petru Dumitriu
Petru Dumitriu was born in Baziaş in 1924. His father was an army officer. His mother spoke to him mainly in French, as did his Swiss nanny, so he was fluent in that language. He started the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest but let when he won a scholarship to University of Munich to study philosophy but his studies were interrupted by the war. He started writing while in Munich and, back in Romania, won an award for a short story. After the war, his father was arrested as a former officer. Initially, Dumitriu followed the party line in his writings. In 1960 he fled to Germany, before finally moving to Frence, living in Metz. Initially, he was unable to obtain French citizenship, under the influence of Mircea Eliada, but he was finally accepted. His books, at this time were written in French. He only returned to Romania in 1996. He died in 2002.
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1947 Euridice (stories)
1948 Dușmănie (story)
1949 O sută de kilometri (story)
1949 Bijuterii de familie (novel)
1950 Wolfsjagd (story)
1950 Primăvara lui șaptezeci și unu (story)
1951 Drum fără pulbere (Drum fără pulbere)
1951 Sărbătoare în zi de lucru (story)
1951 Nuvele (stories)
1952 Dreptate (stories)
1952 Prietenul Sava (stories)
1952 Nopţile din iunie (Nights in June) (novel)
1953 Din tată în fiu (stories)
1953 Povești adevărate (stories)
1954 Despre viață și cărți (essays)
1954 Pentru demnitatea și fericirea omului (essays)
1955 Focul nestins (story)
1955 Cronică de la câmpie (stories)
1956 Aquarium (essays)
1957 Pasărea furtunii (Stormy Petrel ) (novel)
1957 Noi și neobarbarii, (essays)
1957 Cronică de familie (3 volumes, translated into English as Family Jewels, The Prodigals) (novel)
1961 Rendez-vous au Jugement dernier (novel)
1962 Incognito (Incognito) (novel)
1964 L’Extrême Occident (Westward Lies Heaven) (novel)
1968-69 L’Homme aux yeux gris (novel)
1966 Les Initiés (story)
1967 Le Sourire sarde (The Sardinian Smile) (novel)
1979 Au Dieu inconnu (essay)
1981 Zéro ou le Point de départ (essay)
1981 Comment ne pas l’aimer ! : une lecture de l’Évangile selon saint Marc (religion)
1983 Walkie-talkie : marcher vers Dieu, parler à Dieu (religion)
1983 Mon semblable, mon frère (stories)
1983 La Liberté (novel)
1984 Je n’ai d’autre bonheur que Toi : essai de dévotion moderne (essay)
1988 La Femme au miroir (novel)
1989 Les Amours difficiles (stories)
1990 La Moisson (novel)
1990 Les Amours singulières (stories)
1991 Proprietatea şi posesiunea (novel)
1992 Ne întâlnim la judecata de apoi (essay)
1999Vârsta de aur sau Dulceaţa vieţii (novel)
2004 Opere (collected works)
2014 Non credo, oro (novel)