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Ionel Teodoreanu


Ionel Teodoreanu was born in 1897 in Iaşi. His father was a lawyer and his mother a piano teacher. He studied law and became a lawyer, like his father. He started writing early on, first publishing a sketch in a review. His first book was a book of short stories. He became involved with the Viaţa Românească magazine and the group of writers associated with it. He is best-known for his trilogy on childhood, La Medeleni, the first one of which has been translated into English. He died in 1954.

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Ionel Teodoreanu
Ionel Teodoreanu (in Romanian)
Ionel Teodoreanu (in Romanian)


1923 Ulița copilăriei
1924-1928 La Medeleni (1 Hotarul nestatornic (One Moldavian Summer), II. Drumuri, III. Între vînturi)
1929 Bal mascat
1931 Fata din Zlataust
1932 Golia
1933 Turnul Milenei
1934 Crăciunul de la Silivestri
1935 Lorelei
1935 Masa umbrelor
1936 Arca lui Noe
1937 Secretul Anei Florentin
1938 Fundacul Varlaamului
1940 Prăvale Baba
1940 Ce-a văzut Ilie Pânișoară
1940-1943 Tudor Ceaur Alcaz, vol. I-IV
1941 Întoarcerea în timp
1945 Hai-Diridam
1945 Frunză
1946 La porțile nopții
1948 Zdrulă și Puhă
1971 Să vie Bazarcă!
1973 Pagini cu copii şi adolescenţi
1974 Jucării pentru Lily