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Vintila Horia


Vintila Horia was born in Segarcea in 1916. He studied Law, and then Literature at the University of Bucharest. His political views were far right and anti-Semitic. During World War II, he lived in Rome and Vienna as a diplomat. As Romania sided with the Allies, he was arrested by the Germans and put in a concentration camp. He was later freed by the British army.

He then moved to Italy to avoid Soviet-dominated Romania, where he was sentenced to life imprisonment in absentia. He then moved to Argentina and later to Spain. He was a highly prolific writer but is best known for his novel Dieu est né en exil (God Was Born in Exile), his only work translated into English, about Ovid’s exile in what is now Romania. He died in 1992.

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Vintila Horia
A writer in the Cold War


1936 Procesiuni (poetry)
1939 Cetatea cu duhuri (poetry)
1941 Cartea omului singur (poetry)
1942 Acolo și stelele ard (novel)
1952 A murit un Sfânt (poetry)
1956 Presencia del mito (essay)
1958 Jurnal de copilărie (poetry)
1959 Poesía y libertad (essay)
1960 La rebeldia de los escritores soviéticos (essay)
1960 Dieu est né en exil (God Was Born in Exile) (novel)
1961 Le Chevalier de la Résignation (novel)
1962 Quaderno italiano (essay)
1962 Les Impossibles(novel)
1963 Giovanni Papini (literature)
1964 La septième lettre (novel)
1964 Platon, personaje de novela (literature)
1966 Journal d’un paysan du Danube (memoirs)
1967 El despertar de la sombra (stories)
1968 Une femme pour l’Apocalypse (novel)
1970 El hombre de las nieblas (novel)
1970 España y otros mundos (essay)
1971 Viaje a los Centros de la Tierra (essay)
1972 El viaje a San Marcos (novel)
1972 Pepi Sánchez (essay)
1972 Mester de novelista (literature)
1975 Encuesta detrás de lo visible (essay)
1976 Introducción a la literatura del siglo XX (literature)
1976 Viitor petrecut (poetry)
1978 Consideraciones sobre un mundo peor (essay)
1980 Literatura y disidencia (literature)
1981 Informe último sobre el Reino H (stories)
1981 Los derechos humanos y la novela del siglo XX (essay)
1982 Marta o la segunda guerra (novel)
187 Persécutez Boèce (novel)
1987 Un sepulcro en el cielo (novel)
1988 Les clefs du crépuscule (novel)
1990 Mai bine mort decât comunist (essay)
1992 Mai sus de miazănoapte (novel)
1999 Moartea morții mele (stories)
1999 Dicționarul Papilor (essay)
2002 El fin del exilio (stories)
2015 Memoriile unui fost sagetator (memoirs)