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Zaharia Stancu


Zaharia Stancu was born in Salcia, a village in Teleorman County, in 1902. He left school aged thirteen and did various odd jobs, before going to university in 1919, studying literature and philosophy at the University of Bucharest. He worked as an editor and was later twice director of the National Theatre in Bucharest. Though an ardent Communist he clashed with Nicolae Ceaușescu and was expelled from the Romanian Communist Party. He wrote stories, novels and poetry. He died in 1974. Since the fall of Ceaușescu, his writing has fallen out of favour in Romania.

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Zaharia Stancu
Zaharia Stancu


1927 Poeme simple (poetry)
1937 Taifunul (novel)
1937 Albe (poetry)
1939 Clopotul de aur (poetry)
1941 Iarba fiarelor (poetry)
1941 Oameni cu joben (novel)
1944 Ani de fum (poetry)
1948 Desculț (Barefoot) (novel)
1949 Brazdă îngustă şi adâncă’ (novel)
1951 Pentru viaţă (stories)
1954 Dulăii(Hounds) (novel)
1954 Florile pământului (stories)
1957 Iarbă (novel)
1959 Rădăcinile sunt amare (novel)
1960 Clopote şi struguri (novel)
1960 Printre stele” şi (novel)
1960 Carul cu foc (novel)
1962 Jocul cu moartea (A Gamble with Death ) (novel)
1962 Costandina, povestir (stories)
1966 Pădurea nebună (novel)
1968 Șatra (novel)
1969 Vântul şi ploaia – Vulpea, Frigul, Roza (novel)
1970 Ce mult te-am iubit (novel)
1970 Cântec șoptit (poetry)
1970 Povestiri de dragoste (stories)
1971 Şatra (The Gypsy Tribe) (novel)
1972 Șaptezeci (poetry)
1972 Sabia timpului (poetry)
1974 Poeme cu luna (poetry)
1974 Uruma (novel)