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Ladislav Mňačko


Ladislav Mňačko was born in Valašské Klobouky in 1919. He fought for the partisans in World War II and then became a supporter of the Czechoslovak communist regime. At this time he wrote a lot of journalism, supporting the communist position but also wrote plays and poetry. However, he became disillusioned with the communist position and became highly critical of the communist regime, for which he was persecuted. He emigrated to Israel in 1967 but soon returned but then emigrated to Austria after the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968, returning only after the fall of the communist regime in 1993. He died in 1994.

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Ladislav Mňačko
Ladislav Mňačko


1945 Partizáni (drama)
1949 Izrael. Národ v boji (journalism)
1950 Piesne ingotov (poetry)
1950 Albanská reportáž (journalism)
1951 Mosty na východ (drama)
1952 Vpád: rok na stavbe HUKO (journalism)
1954 Dobrodružstvo vo Vietname (journalism)
1954 Živá voda (drama)
1954 Bubny a činely (poetry)
1957 Marxova ulica (stories)
1958 Čo nebolo v novinách (journalism)
1958 Ďaleko je do Whampoa (travel)
1959 Smrť sa volá Engelchen (Death Is Called Engelchen) (novel)
1960 U-2 sa nevracia (journalism)
1961 Ja, Adolf Eichmann (journalism)
1962 Kde končia prašné cesty (journalism)
1963 Oneskorené reportáže (journalism)
1965 Rozprával ten kapitán
1966 Nočný rozhovor (literature)
1967 Ako chutí moc (The Taste of Power) (novel)
1968 Agresori (journalism)
1968 Siedma noc (The Seventh Night) (novel)
1972 Súdruh Münchhausen (novel)