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Drago Jančar
Drago Jančar was born in 1948 in Maribor. His father was a supervisor in a car factory. He took a degree in law and then worked as a journalist. He was sentenced to one year in prison for spreading enemy propaganda when he brought a book on massacres by Tito’s forces bought in Austria into Yugoslavia but was released after three months, though had to serve military service immediately after. He subsequently went to Ljubljana where he worked as an editor and as a stage director for a film company. His initial work was not published but after the death of Tito and the fall of Communism, his works were published with some success. He also wrote screenplays and plays for the theatre. He is currently chief editor of the Slovenksa Matica publishing house.
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Drago Jancar
Drago Jancar
Central Europe: Utopia or Reality? (article by Jančar)
Drago Jančar (in Slovenian)
1971 Romanje gospoda Houzvicke (stories)
1974 Petintrideset stopinj (novel)
1978 Galjot (The Galley Slave) (novel)
1978 O bledem hudodelcu (stories)
1982 Blodniki: Disident Arnož in njegovi, Razseljena oseba, Nenavadni dogodki v Kotu (drama)
1984 Severni sij (Northern Lights) (novel)
1984 Sproti: eseji in članki (essays)
1985 Smrt pri Mariji Snezni (stories)
1985 Veliki briljantni valcek (drama)
1986 Triptih o Trubarju (TV drama)
1988 Tri igre: Dedalus, Klementov padec, Zalezujoc Godota (Stakeout at Godot’s) (drama)
1989 Terra incognita (essay)
1991 Porocilo iz devete dezele
1992 Razbiti vrč (essay)
1992 Disput, Adam Michnik: Drago Jancar
1992 Pogled angela (stories)
1993 Posmehljivo poželenje (Mocking Desire) (novel)
1994 Augsburg in druge resnične pripovedi (stories)
1994 Halstat (drama)
1994 Egiptovski lonci mesa (essay)
1995 Ultima kreatura (stories)
1998 Zvenenje v glavi (novel)
1998 Prikazen iz Rovenske (stories)
1998 Joycev učenec (Joyce’s Pupil) (novel)
2000 Katarina, pav in jezuit
2002 Brioni (essay)
2004 Človek, ki je pogledal v tolmun (stories)
2006 Graditelj (novel)
2006 Lahka konjenica: igra (draja)
2006 Duša Evrope (essay)
2008 Drevo brez imena (The Tree with no Name) (novel)
2009 The Prophecy and Other Stories (stories)
2009 Jakobova lestev (articles)
2010 To noč sem jo videl (I Saw Her That Night) (novel)
2014 Pisanja in znamenja (essay)
2014 Maj, november (novel)
2017 In ljubezen tudi (novel)
2018 Mnoga življenja : izbrane novele in kratke zgodbe (stories)
2018 Postajest (stories)