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Vasyl Shevchuk
Vasyl Shevchuk was born in 1932 in Barashi. His family worked on the land. He attended the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature of the Faculty of Philology of Kyiv State University. He subsequently worked in the editorial office of Pioneria magazine , at the Dovzhenka film studio and on various publications. He started off writing poetry and published several books of poetry, before turning to writing novels. Two of his novels have been published in English. He died in 1999. He is not to be confused with this Vasyl Shevchuk.
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Vasyl Andriyovych Shevchuk (in Ukrainian)
(Only works translated into English)
1969 Предтеча (Precursor)
1972 Побратими, або Пригоди двох запорожців на суходолі, в морі та під водою (Blood Brothers)