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Hans Scherfig


Hans Scherfig was born in 1905. His father was the director of a large publishing house. He attended the prestigious Metropolitanskole and his experiences there were the basis for his novel Det forsømte forår (Stolen Spring) . He attended the University of Copenhagen but jumped from course to course and failed to graduate. He started his career as a painter. On a trip to the United States, he was converted to a strong left-wing outlook, both because of contact with Marxists and because of the misery he saw caused by the Depression. He also met his future wife, the Austrian painter, Elisabeth Karlinsky. On their return to Denmark, they struggled, living on the small amount of money they made from their painting. However, Scherfig contracted a disease that left him almost blind so he switched to writing from painting and very soon had a successful career as a writer.

During the war he was imprisoned for his Marxist views and only his eye disease saved him from a worse fate. He spent much of the war in hiding. After the war he mainly wrote travelogues and essays on socialist issues. As well as writing novels, he was also an amateur zoologist and had planned a scholarly work on dragonflies in Denmark. He died in 1979. Much of his fiction writing is satirical and castigates the bourgeoisie and mocks what he considers to be stupid behaviour. He uses the detective novel form to make his point – and one of the points is that the bourgeois are the real criminals.

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Hans Scherfig
Hans Scherfig
Hans Scherfig
Hans Scherfig
Hans Scherfig (in Danish)
Scherfig, Hans (in Danish)


1937 Den døde mand: kriminalfortællinger
1937 Urskoven withJens August Schade
1938 Den forsvundne fuldmægtig (The Missing Bureaucrat)
1940 Det forsømte forår (Stolen Spring)
1943 Vilde dyr
1945 Idealister (The Idealists)
1951 På vej ind i vandmanden og andre kommentarer
1951 Rejse i Sovjetunionen
1953 Det befriede Rumænien
1953 Bothus Occitanus eller den otteøjede skorpion
1953 Skorpionen
1958 Dammen
1959 Den gloende drage over Roskilde
1961 Krigs ABC
1962 Frydenholm
1963 Tre digtere
1964 Den fortabe abe
1965 Hos kirgiserne
1965 Naturens uorden og andre essays
1966-1979 Årbog
1967 Rumænsk billedbog
1971 Morgenrødens land
1971 Den fattige mands bil
1972 Månen og trediveårskrigen
1973 Butleren og andre historier
1973 Holberg og andre forfattere
1973 Tegninger
1973-75 Udvalgte essays
1974 Det borgerlige samfund og dets institutioner
1974 Marxisme, rationalisme, humanisme
1975 Journalistik fra 30’erne
1975 Terminen på Aljegården og andre indlæg
1976 Cecilies bog
1977 Liljas bog
1977 En rænkefuld prælat
1979 Den lange dag
1979 10 artikler om kultur og æstetik : aspekter vedrørende arkitektur og planlægning
1979Uden for kunstcafeen: udvalgte artikler
1983 Lyttere og lurere: 22 artikler om politi, militær og efterretningsvæsener
1983 Presse- og ytringsfrihed
1985 Venstrefløjen
1986 Den kolde krig i Danmarks Radio: Udvalgt radiokritik 1947-1964
2000 Jungle og savanne: Hans Scherfig – litografier 1962-1978
2005 Bortførelsen fra St. Leu og andre kriminalnoveller
2013 Lukas’ bog