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Sebastian Faulks


Faulks was born in Newbury in 1953 and attended Cambridge University. He started his career as a teacher and a freelance writer, before getting a job as a reporter with the Daily Telegraph. He ran the book club, the New Fiction Society, before publishing his first novel A Trick of the Light in 1984. He then worked as the literary editor of the Independent. He had his biggest success with Birdsong, a superb novel set in World War 1. Sadly, the quality has declined since then, culminating in writing James Bond and Jeeves novels.

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Sebastian Faulks
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Sebastian Faulks moves to head off Islam row


1984 A Trick of the Light
1989 The Girl at the Lion d’Or
1992 A Fool’s Alphabet
1993 Birdsong
1996 The Fatal Englishman: Three Short Lives
1998 Charlotte Gray
2001 On Green Dolphin Street
2005 Human Traces
2006 Pistache
2007 Engleby
2008 Devil May Care (James Bond novel)
2009 A Week in December
2011 Faulks on Fiction: Great British Characters and the Secret Life of the Novel
2011 Pistache Returns
2012 A Possible Life
2013 Jeeves and the Wedding Bells
2015 Where My Heart Used to Beat
2018 Paris Echo
2021 Snow Country2023 The Seventh Son
2024 A Possible Life