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Ellis Sharp


Ellis Sharp is a recluse who was born and brought up in Sussex, detests anything to do with biography, used to produce by far the best political blog on the web (now, sadly, defunct) and has written a series of bizarre but fascinating fiction.

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Ellis Sharp
3:AM Top 5: Ellis Sharp


1989 Giacinta’s Clams (story)
1991 The Aleppo Button (stories)
1992 Lenin’s Trousers (stories)
1995 Engels on Video: A Joint Production (stories – with Mac Daly)
1996 To Wanstonia (stories)
1998 The Dump (novel)
1996 Driving My Baby Back Home (stories)
2000 Unbelievable Things (novel)
2004 Aria Fritta (stories)
2007 Walthamstow Central (novel)
2009 Dead Iraqis: Selected Short Stories of Ellis Sharp (stories)
2011 Intolerable Tongues (novel)
2015 Quin Again (stories)
2015 To Wetumpka (novel)
2015 Lamees Najim (novel)
2018 Sharply Critical (essays)
2020 The Orwell Girl (novel)
2021 Neglected Writer (novel)
2021 What Vronsky Did Next (novel)
2021 Twenty-Twenty (novel)
2022 Alice in Venice (novel)
2023 Month of the Drowned Dog (novel)
2023 Pig Tale (novel)
2023 Concrete Impressions (novel)
2024 Night Architecture (fiction/meditations)