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Henri Barbusse


Born near Paris in 1873, Henri Barbusse is now mainly remembered for his novel Le Feu (Under Fire), a brutally realistic account of life in the trenches at the beginning of World War I. Before that he had been a not very good poet and writer of naturalistic novels, in particular the dull L’Enfer. He turned to writing socialist novels and was involved with the magazine Clarté. At the end he wrote biographies of Lenin and Stalin and died in the Soviet Union in 1935.

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Henri Barbusse
Barbusse, Henri (1873-35)
Henri Barbusse à Paris et Aumont-en-Halatte (in French)


1895 Pleureuses (poetry)
1908 L’Enfer (Hell; Inferno)
1916 Le Feu (Under Fire)
1917 Paroles d’un combattant. Articles et discours 1917-1920
1918 Nous autres (We Others) (short stories)
1919 Clarté (Light; Lightness) (novel)
1919 L’Illusion (stories)
1920 La lueur dans l’abîme, ce que veut le Groupe Clarté
1921 Quelques coins du coeur (prose pieces)
1921 Le couteau entre les dents (novel)
1921 Lettre aux Intellectuels
1921 L’étrangère (stories)
1925 Les enchaînements (Chains) (novel)
1926 Les bourreaux (politics)
1927 Manifeste aux intellectuels
1927 Jésus (Jesus)
1927 Les Judas de Jésus
1928 Faits divers (I Saw It Myself; Thus and Thus) (stories)
1929 Voici ce qu’on a fait de la Géorgie (politics)
1930 Elévation (novel)
1930 Russie (One Looks at Russia)
1930 Ce qui fut sera (memoirs)
1932 J’accuse!: un réquisitoire implacable
1932 Zola (Zola) (study of the novelist)
1934 Lettres de Lénine et sa famille (Lenin) (biography)
1934 Connais-tu Thaelmann? (Dp You Know Thaelmann?) (politics)
1935 Staline; un monde nouveau vu à travers un homme (Stalin; A New World Seen Through One Man) (biography)
1937 Lettres de Henri Barbusse à sa femme 1914 – 1917
1988 Carnet de guerre