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David Diop


David Diop was born in 1966 in Paris. His mother was French and his father Senegalese. He spent some of his childhood in Senegal before returning to France for his studies. After studying at the Sorbonne, he became a lecturer at the Université de Pau et des pays de l’Adour. He published his first novel in 2012 but had greater success with his second novel, Frère d’âme (At Night All Blood Is Black ), for which he won the International Booker Prize for the book in translation.

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David Diop
David Diop
David Diop (in French)


2012 1889, l’Attraction universelle
2018 Rhétorique nègre au XVIIIe siècle : des récits de voyage à la littérature abolitionniste
2018 Frère d’âme (At Night All Blood Is Black)
2021 La Porte du voyage sans retour (Beyond the Door of No Return)