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François Bon


François Bon was born in Luçon in 1953. His father was a mechanic and his mother a teacher. He studied engineering at Arts et Métiers ParisTech but did not graduate. After college, he worked in various factories, specialising in electron beam welding. He published his first novel in 1982 and, in 1984, became a full-time writer. As well as novels, he has written radio scripts, plays and films scripts. His website, le tiers livre, was one of the earliest French-language sites devoted to literature. He was a founder of remue.net. He has become very interested in the relationship between literature and the digital world and the future of the book. He has been involved in publie.net, a digital book publishing platform. He has also translated the US writer, H P Lovecraft. He teaches literary arts at the National School of Arts Paris-Cergy.

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François Bon
François Bon
His Twitter page (in French)
François Bon (in French)
François Bon (in French)
François Bon
le tiers livre (in French)


1982 Sortie d’usine [Factory Exit] (novel)
1985 Limite (novel)
1986 Le Crime de Buzon (novel)
1988 Décor ciment (novel)
1990 La Folie Rabelais (essay)
1990 Calvaire des chiens (novel)
1992 Temps machine (story)
1992 L’enterrement [The Funeral] (story
1993 Dans la ville invisible
1994 Un fait divers (novel)
1995 C’était toute une vie (story)
1996 Parking (story)
1996 30, rue de la Poste (novel)
1996 Voleurs de feu, Les vies singulières des poètes (story)
1997 Prison (story)
1998 Impatience (story)
1998 Autoroute (children’s)
1998 Dehors est la ville (art)
2000 Tous les mots sont adultes (literature)
2000 Paysage fer (story)
2000 15021 (story)
2000 Pour Koltè (essays)
2001 Mécanique (story)
2002 Quatre avec le mort (drama)
2002 Rolling Stones, une biographie
2004 Quoi faire de son chien mort (drama)
2004 Daewoo (Daewoo) (novel)
2004 Billancourt (architecture)
2005 Petit Palais (architecture)
2006 Tumulte (novel)
2007 Bob Dylan, une biographie
2008 Rock’n roll, un portrait de Led Zeppelin
2009 L’Incendie du Hilton (novel)
2011 Après le livre (literature)
2012 Autobiographie des objets (novel)
2013 Proust est une fiction (literature)
2014 Fragments du dedans (literature)
2016 Fictions du corps (literature)
2016 Outils du roman : le creative writing à l’américaine (writing)
2020 Où finit la ville (geography)