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Paul Gadenne


Paul Gadenne was born in Armentières in 1907. When the First World War came too close to them the family moved to Boulogne and then to Paris. Gadenne studied literature at the University of Paris (specialising in Proust) and then became a teacher in Normandy. However, he had to give this up when he contracted tuberculosis in 1933. He spent many months in a sanatorium. His first novel – Siloé – was partially about his stay in the sanatorium. He continued to write novels, stories, diaries and a play. He died in 1956. None of his work has been translated into English.

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Paul Gadenne (in French)
Paul Gadenne (in French)
La longue patience de Paul Gadenne (in French)


1941 Siloé [Siloam] (novel)
1947 Le Vent noir (novel)
1948 La Rue profonde [The Deep Street] (novel)
1949 L’avenue (novel)
1952 La Plage de Scheveningen (novel)
1955 L’Invitation chez les Stirl (novel)
1973 Les Hauts-Quartiers (novel)
1982 Baleine (story)
1982 L’inadvertance (stories)
1983 Poèmes (poetry)
1983 À propos du roman (literature)
1985 La coccinelle ou Les fausses tendresses (story)
1986 Le guide du voyageur
1986 Bal à espelette : lettres trouvées (story)
1986 Scènes dans le château (stories)
1987 Le jour que voici (novel)
1989 La Conférence (story)
1992 Trois préfaces à Balzac (literature)
1993 Le Rescapé : Carnets, novembre 1949 – mars 1951 (diaries)
1999 La Rupture : Carnets, 1937 – 1940, (diaries)
2004 Une grandeur impossible (articles)
2005 G.R. : le livre de la haine (journals)