Home » Germany » Julia Franck

Julia Franck


Julia Franck was born in 1970 in East Berlin. Her mother is an actress and her father a film producer and director. Her grandmother was the sculptor Ingeborg Hunzinger. She studied German Literature and American Studies at the Free University of Berlin. She worked in radio and travelled in the United States, Mexico and Guatemala. She has been linked to the group of women writers known as Fräuleinwunder (link in German) (literally young woman wonder but obviously a play on Wirtschaftswunder, the German economic miracle of the 1950s).

Other links

Julia Franck
Her homepage
Julia Franck (in German)
Interview (in German)


1997 Der neue Koch
1999 Liebediener
2000 Bauchlandung. Geschichten zum Anfassen
2003 Lagerfeuer (West)
2006 Mir nichts, dir nichts
2007 Die Mittagsfrau (UK: The Blind Side of the Heart; US: Blindness of the Heart)
2011 Rücken an Rücken (Back to Back)
2021 Welten auseinander