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Halldór Laxness


Halldór Laxness was born Halldór Gudjónsson in Reykjavik in 1902. When he was three, the family moved to the farm of Laxnes, near Reykjavik, from which he would take his pen-name. He wrote extensively while a child, though his father tried hard to nurture his musical talents. He attended school in Reykjavik but left before completing his final exam. (He took it again five years later and failed.) His father died that year and he published his first novel, which was not well received. He then went on a tour of Europe. While in Copenhagen, he tried writing in Danish, as other Icelandic writers had done and some of his stories were published in a Danish newspaper. However, by the time he returned home in 1920, he had reverted to writing in Icelandic. After studying and tutoring, he was off again on his travels. He applied to reside in Canada but his application was lost and he was not allowed to enter. Back in Denmark, he met an Icelandic woman and she had a baby by him. This led him to seek admission to the Benedictine monastery of St. Maurice de Clervaux in Luxembourg, where he adopted the name of the Irish martyr, St. Kilian. He used the name Halldór Kiljan Laxness to sign his books till late in life.

He left the monastery and was determined to devote himself to God. He continued writing, producing novels, poetry and newspaper articles. He was also travelling, spending time in Italy and in Luxembourg. He also visited North America, starting in Canada and ending up in Hollywood. He tried, unsuccessfully, to break into the cinema and also contemplated writing in English. He was also nearly tried for treason by the US authorities for writing an article critical of American capitalism. Back in Iceland, he wrote extensively, producing many of the novels for which he is famous as well as travelling, getting married and having a son and being involved in politics. He went on to produce over fifty novels, which brought him world renown, including the award of the Nobel Prize in 1955. He died in 1998.

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Halldór Laxness
Halldór Kiljan Laxness
Halldór Kiljan Laxness
Gljúfrasteinn – The House of Halldór Laxness


1919 Barn náttúrunnar: ástarsaga
1923 Nokkrar sögur
1924 Undir Helgahnúk
1925 Kaþólsk vidhorf: svar gegn árásum
1927 Vefarinn mikli frá Kasmír (The Great Weaver from Kashmir)
1929 Alþydubókin
1930 Kvædakver
1931 Salka Valka (Salka Valka)
1932 Fótatak manna: sjö þættir (contains Ungfrúin góða og húsið (The Honour of the House)
1933 Í Austurvegi
1934 Sjálfstætt fólk: hetjusaga (Independent People)
1934 Straumrof: sjónleikur
1935 Þórður gamli halti
1937 Dagleid á fjöllum: greinar
1937-1940 Heimsljós (World Light)
1938 Gerska ævintyrid: minnisblöd
1942 Sjö töframenn: þættir
1942 Vettvángur dagsins: ritgerdir
1943-1946 Íslandsklukkan (Iceland’s Bell)
1946 Sjálfsagdir hlutir: ritgerdir
1948 Atómstödin (The Atom Station)
1950 Snæfrídur êslandssól
1950 Reisubókarkorn
1952 Gerpla (The Happy Warriors)
1952 Heiman eg fór: sjálfsmynd æskumanns
1954 Silfurtúnglid: sjónleikur í fjórum þáttum
1954 Þættir
1955 Dagur í senn: ræda og rit
1957 Brekkukotsannáll (The Fish Can Sing)
1959 Gjörningabók
1960 Paradísarheimt (Paradise Reclaimed)
1961 Strompleikurinn: gamanleikur í þrem þáttum
1962 Prjónastofan Sólin: gamanleikur í þremur þáttum
1963 Skáldatími
1964 Sjöstafakverid (A Quire of Seven)
1965 Upphaf mannúdarstefnu: ritgerdir
1966 Dúfnaveislan: skemtunarleikur í fimm þáttum (The Pigeon Banquet)
1967 Íslendingaspjall
1968 Kristnihald undir Jökli (Christianity at Glacier; Under the Glacier)
1969 Vínlandspúnktar
1970 Innansveitarkronika
1971 Yfirskygdir stadir: ymsar athuganir
1972 Gudsgjafaþula
1974 þjódhátídarrolla
1975 Ítúninu heima
1976 Ûngur eg var
1977 Seiseijú, mikil ósköp
1978 Sjömeistarasagan
1980 Grikklandsárid
1981 Vid heygardshornid
1984 Og árin lída
1986 Af menningarástandi
1986 A Place of Safety and Other Stories
1987 Dagar hjá múnkum
1987 Sagan af brauðinu dýra (The Bread of Life)
1992 Jón í Brauðhúsum
1992 Skáldsnilld Laxness
1996 Fugl á garðstaurnum og fleiri smásögur
1997 Únglíngurinn í skóginum
1998 Perlur í skáldskap Laxness
1999 Úngfrúin góða og Húsið
2000 Smásögur
2001 Gullkorn úr greinum Laxness
2001 Kórvilla á Vestfjörðum og fleiri sögur
2001 Laxness um land og þjóð