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Gesualdo Bufalino


Gesualdo Bufalino was born in Comiso in 1922. (Note that most of the websites below have either got his date of birth (1922) or his date of death (1996) wrong – or both.) He started studying in the University of Catania but was caught up in the war. In 1943, he was captured by the Germans but managed to escape. While hiding out, he caught tuberculosis and spent considerable time recovering in a sanatorium. Once recovered, he worked most of his life as a teacher in the Comiso area and did not produce his first book till he retired, though he started working on it thirty years before. Since publishing his first and best known book in 1981 – Diceria dell’Untore (UK: Plague-Spreader’s Tale; US: The Plague-Sower) – he produced a host of works – novels, poetry, works on Sicily and others. He was killed in a car crash near his home in 1996.

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Gesualdo Bufalino
Gesualdo Bufalino (in Italian)
Gesualdo Bufalino (in Italian)
Gesualdo Bufalino (in Italian)
Gesualdo Bufalino (in Italian)
Gesualdo Bufalino (in Italian)
Gesualdo Bufalino (in Italian)
Gesualdo Bufalino (1920-1996) (in Italian)
Le ragioni dello scrivere (by Bufalino – in Italian)


1981 Diceria dell’Untore (UK: Plague-Spreader’s Tale; US: The Plague-Sower) (novel)
1982 Dizionario dei personaggi di romanzo
1982 Museo d’ombre (memoirs)
1982 L’amaro miele (poetry)
1982 Dicerie coniugali (with Giovanna Bufalino (his wife) – thoughts on marriage)
1983 Il vecchio e l’albero (story)
1984 Argo il cieco ovvero I sogni della memoria (Blind Argus) (novel)
1985 Cere perse (essays)
1986 L’uomo invaso (The Keeper of the Ruins) (stories)
1987 Il malpensante, lunario dell’anno che fu (aphorisms)
1988 La luce e il lutto (essays)
1988 Le menzogne della notte (UK: Night’s Lies; US: Lies of the Night) (novel)
1988 Saline di Sicilia (travel)
1989 Il matrimonio illustrato (with Giovanna Bufalino (his wife) – thoughts on marriage)
1989 La panchina (story)
1989 Cur? Cui? Quis? Quomodo? Quid? (on writing)
1990 Calende greche (stories)
1990 Saldi d’autunno (essays)
1991 Pagine disperse (essays)
1991 Qui pro quo (novel)
1991 Il Guerrin Meschino (fragments of an opera)
1991 Rondo della felicità
1992 Il tempo in posa. Immagini di una Sicilia perduta (travel)
1994 Bluff di parole (aphorisms)
1995 Il fiele ibleo (essays)
1995 I languori e le furie (poetry)
1996 Tommaso e il fotografo cieco ovvero il patatràc (Tommaso and the Blind Photographer) (novel)
1998 Favola del castello senza tempo (story)
2006 Shah Mat (incomplete novel)