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Carlo Levi


Carlo Levi was born in 1902 in Turin. His father was a doctor and his mother the daughter of Claudio Treves. He studied medicine at the University of Turin. However, he did not practise medicine but became involved in politics and painting. He had a moderately successful career as a painter and was very much involved in artistic circles. However, he became involved with an anti-fascist group called Giustizia e Libertà [Justice and Liberty] and was arrested. After his second arrest he was exiled to a small village called Aliano, about which he later wrote in his best known book, Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli). After his release, he moved to France, returning to Italy only in 1941. He was again arrested but was released after Mussolini’s arrest and spent the next two years writing Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli), which was published in 1945. After the war, he continued working as a journalist and also continued to paint. He also continued to write but never had the same success as Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli). He served for some time in the Italian Senate as an independent on the communist ticket. He died in 1975.


Carlo Levi
Carlo Levi (1902-1975)
Carlo Levi (in Italian)
Carlo Levi (in Italian)
Carlo Levi (1902-1975) (in Italian)
Fondazione Carlo Levi (in Italian)Museo Storico Carlo Levi di Matera (in Italian)


1945 Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ Stopped at Eboli)
1948 Paura della libertà (Of Fear and Freedom; Fear of Freedom)
1951 L’Orologio (The Watch) (novel)
1955 Le parole sono pietre (Words are Stones) (sociology)
1956 Il futuro ha un cuore antico (travel)
1959 La doppia notte dei tigli (US: The Linden Trees; UK: The Two-fold Night: A Narrative of Travel in Germany)
1960 Un volto che ci somiglia
1965 Tutto il miele è finito (sociology)
1975 Contadini e luigini: Testi e disegni di Carlo Levi
1975 Coraggio dei miti: Scritti contemporanei, 1922-1947
1979 Quaderno a cancelli
1980 L’altro mondo è il Mezzogiorno
1991 Noi Esistiamo: Poesie Inedite (poetry)
1991 È questo il”carcer tetro”?: lettere dal carcere 1934-1935
1993 Bosco di Eva (poetry)
1994 Carissimo Puck: lettere d’amore e di vita 1945-1969
1997 Il bambino del 7 luglio : dal neofascismo ai fatti di Reggio Emilia (1952-61)
2000 Le mille patrie: uomini, fatti, paesi d’Italia
2001 Scritti Politici
2001 Lo specchio: scritti di critica d’arte
2001 Prima e dopo le parole: scritti e discorsi sulla letteratura
2002 Le Tracce della memoria
2002 Roma Fuggitiva: Una città e i suoi dintorni (Fleeting Rome: In Search of La Dolce Vita)
2003 Il pianeta senza confini: prose di viaggio (travel)
2003 Discorsi parlamentari (parliamentary speeches)
2003 Un dolente amore per la vita : conversazioni radiofoniche e interviste
2004 Le ragioni dei topi: storie di animali (stories)
2004 Il dovere dei tempi: prose politiche e civili (essays)
2004 La strana idea di battersi per la libertà : dai giornali della Liberazione (1944-1946) (journalism)
2006 Il seme nascosto: tocca ai contadini, ai piccoli, agli ultimi uccidere il serpente
2007 Essays on India
2008 Poesie
2009 Versi