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Luca Rastello


Luca Rastello was born in 1961 in Turin. He studied philosophy but went into journalism as a career, working for various newspapers, before turning to writing books, starting with a book on the wars in former Yugoslavia. His first novel was Piove all’insù (The Rain’s Falling Up), published in 2006. He wrote several more journalistic books and one more novel. He died of cancer in 2015.


Luca Rastello (in English and Italian)
Luca Rastello (in Italian)
Obituary (in Italian)
Obituary (in Italian)
Obituary (in Italian)
Obituary (in Italian)


1998 La guerra in casa
2006 Piove all’insù (The Rain’s Falling Up) (novel)
2009 Io sono il mercato: Come trasportare cocaina a tonnellate e vivere felici (I Am The Market : How To Smuggle Cocaine By The Ton, In Five Easy Lessons)
2010 La frontiera addosso: Così si deportano i diritti umani
2010 Dizionario per un lavoro da matti (with Michele D’Ignazio and Silvia Murdocca)
2011 Democrazia: cosa può fare uno scrittore? (with Antonio Pascale)
2013 Binario morto (with Andrea De Benedetti )
2014 I buoni (novel)
2018 Dopodomani non ci sarà. Sull’esperienza delle cose ultime
2021 Uno sguardo tagliente. Articoli e Reportage 1986-2015