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Oliver Friggieri


Oliver Friggieri was born in Floriana in 1947. He was educated at the Royal University of Malta, where he took a Ph. D.. He is currently a professor of literature at the University of Malta. He has written novels, stories, poems, an oratorio, a cantata, a dictionary, biographies of two Maltese poets, criticism and numerous articles for the press, in English, Italian and Maltese. He was considered one of the leading men of letters in Malta. He died in 2020.

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Oliver Friggieri
Oliver Friggieri
Oliver Friggieri (self-portrait)


1977 L-Gidba (The Lie) (novel)
1980 L-lstramb (The Turn of the Wheel) (novel)
1980 Dun Karm, il-poeżiji miġbura (Dun Karm, the National Poet of Malta)
1986 Stejjer ghal qabel Jidlam (Stories to Be Read Before Nightfall) (stories)
1986 Fil-parlament ma jikbrux fkuri (novel)
1986 The Criticism of Poetry
1986 Malta and the Poetics of Material Awareness: a Brief Account of Modern Poetry
1989 Aspects of the Contemporary Novel
1990 Maltese Literature and National Consciousness During British Colonial Rule 1800-1964
1991 Linguistic and Thematic Cross-Currents in Early Maltese Literature
1992 Critical Notes on Five Maltese Authors
1992 Points of Contact between Italian Romanticism and Maltese Literature
1993 Essays on Mikiel Anton Vassalli
1994 Justo Jorge Padrón, the Poet of Recollection: a Critical Account of Los círculos del infierno
1997 A Distraught Pilgrim (poetry)
1998 Ġiżimin li qatt ma jiftah (Jasmine Blossoms for All Time) (novel)
2000 It-tfal jigu bil-vapuri (Children Come by Ship)
2001 L’Istorja ta’ Gesu miktuba ghat-tfal (children’s)
2001 L-istorja tal-poeżija maltija (literature)
2001 Il-kliem li tghidlek qalbek: gabra ta’ hajku
2002 Malta f’Salib it-Toroq: l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-kwistjoni kulturali
2005 Ziffa (Becalmed)
2006 A Poet’s Creed: Selected Poems (poetry)
2006 La jibbnazza nigi lura: rumanz li jkompli ma’ It-tfal jigu bil-vapuri (Let Fair Weather Bring Me Home)
2008 Fjuri li ma jinxfux: Tifkiriet 1955-1990
2010 Dik id-Dghajsa f’Nofs il-Port (Safe at Anchor in Mid-Harbour)
2014 L-istorja tal-Innu Malti : kif sar u xi jfisser