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Per Petterson


Per Petterson was born in 1952 in Oslo. He trained as a librarian but worked in a factory, in a book shop and as a translator and literary critic. His books have received considerable acclaim both in Norway and abroad, though he received most acclaim for Ut og stjæle hester (Out Stealing Horses). Many of his books have been translated into English but also into nearly fifty other languages.

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Per Petterson
Late And Soon The novels of Per Petterson
Per Petterson (in Norwegian)


1987 Aske i munnen, sand i skoa (Ashes in My Mouth, Sand in My Shoes) (stories)
1989 Ekkoland (Echoland) (novel)
1992 Det er greit for meg (It’s Fine By Me) (novel)
1996 Til Sibir (To Siberia) (novel)
2000 I kjølvannet (In the Wake) (novel)
2003 Ut og stjæle hester (Out Stealing Horses) (novel)
2004 Månen over Porten (The Moon over the Gate) (essays)
2008 Jeg forbanner tidens elv (I Curse the River of Time) (novel)
2012 Jeg nekter (I Refuse) (novel)
2018 Menn i min situasjon (Men in My Situation) (novel)
2021 Mitt Abruzzo. Journal 21.1-18.7.2021 (journal)