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Lídia Jorge


Lídia Jorge was born in 1946 in the village of Boliqueime in the Algarve region. Her family were farmers. She obtained an Honours degree in Romance languages philology from the University of Lisbon. She worked as a teacher, including in Angola and Mozambique, where she accompanied her husband, who was in the Portuguese military. She published her first novel in 1980 and went on to have a successful career, writing novels, stories, essays, children’s books and articles. Three of her novels have been translated into English.

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Lídia Jorge
Lídia Jorge
Lídia Jorge
Lídia Jorge (in Portuguese)
Lídia Jorge (in Portuguese)
Interview (in Portuguese)


1980 O Dia dos Prodígios (novel)
1982 O Cais das Merendas (novel)
1984 Notícia da Cidade Silvestre (novel)
1988 A Costa dos Murmúrios (The Murmuring Coast) (novel)
1992 A Instrumentalina (stories)
1992 A Última Dona(novel)
1992 O Conto do Nadador (story)
1995 O Jardim Sem Limites (novel)
1997 Marido e outros Contos (stories)
1998 O Vale da Paixão (UK: The Migrant Painter of Birds; UK: The Painter of Birds ) (novel)
1999 Lídia Jorge : In Other Words
2002 O Vento Assobiando nas Gruas (The Wind Whistling in the Cranes) (novel)
2004 O Belo Adormecido (story)
2007 Combateremos a Sombra (novel)
2007 O Grande Voo do Pardal, (children’s)
2009 Contrato Sentimental (essay)
2010 Romance do Grande Gatão, (children s)
2011 A Noite das Mulheres Cantoras (novel)
2014 Os Memoráveis (novel)
2014 O Organista (story)
2016 O Amor em Lobito Bay (story)
2018 Estuário (novel)
2019 O livro das tréguas (poetry)
2018 O Conto da Isabelinha – Lilibeth’s Tale (children’s)
2020 Em todos os sentidos (articles)
2022 Misericórdia (novel)