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Jane Harris


This is a difficult one as regards nationality. She, herself, (see her website), says, quite correctly, that she is a British writer. However, she was born in Belfast, moved to Glasgow when she was four, where she went to university but has spent much of her later life in England, where she now lives. As both her books are set in Glasgow and she spent her formative years there, I have decided that she qualifies as Scottish. I hope that she does not mind.

Jane Harris was born in 1961 in Belfast. She moved to Glasgow, aged, four and grew up there. She studied English at the University of Glasgow. She trained as an actress and did various odd jobs before taking a M.A. in Creative Writing and then a Ph. D., both at the University of East Anglia. She also taught creative writing there. As well as her two novels, she has written film scripts, stories and journalism.

Other links

Her own website
Jane Harris
Once upon a life (article by Harris)


2006 The Observations (novel)
2011 Gillespie and I (novel)
2017 Sugar Money (novel)