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Belén Gopegui


Belén Gopegui was born in 1963 in Madrid. Her mother, Margarita Durán Suárez, was one of the founders of Amnesty International in Spain. Her father was an aerospace scientist. She studied law at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid., where she edited a magazine called Trasgo, and then took a doctorate in humanities at the Universidad Carlos III. She started writing literary articles in the press but soon turned to fiction. Her first novel was a great success. She continued to have a succesful career, writing novels stories and essays. Some of her works have been made into films.

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Belén Gopegui
Belén Gopegui
Belén Gopegui
The Life & Works of Belén Gopegui
Belén Gopegui (in Spanish)
Belén Gopegui (in Spanish)
Belén Gopegui (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1993 La escala de los mapas (novel)
1995 Tocarnos la cara (novel)
1998 La conquista del aire (novel)
2001 Lo real (novel)
2004 El lado frío de la almohada (novel)
2007 El padre de Blancanieves (novel)
2008 El balonazo (Ediciones (novel)
2009 Deseo de ser punk (novel)
2009 El día que mamá perdió la paciencia (story)
2011 Acceso no autorizado (novel)
2012 El amigo que surgió de un viejo ordenador (novel)
2014 El comité de la noche (novel)
2014 Rompiendo algo. Escritos sobre literatura y política (essays)
2015 Mi misión era acercarme a Miranda (story)
2017 Fuera de la burbuja (novel)
2017 Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo (Stay This Day And Night With Me) (novel)
2021 Existiríamos el mar (novel)
2021 Las nubesfuria (story)
2023 El murmullo : la autoayuda como novela, un caso de confabulación