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Javier Cercas


Javier Cercas was born in Ibahernando, Spain in 1962. He studied Spanish philology in Barcelona and, after taking his doctorate, taught for two year at the University of Illinois, where he wrote his first two novels. He became known when Mario Vargas Llosa praised his Soldados de Salamina (Soldiers of Salamis). As well as writing novels, he is a regular contributor to El País and has translated several works from English and Catalan.

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Javier Cercas
Javier Cercas
Javier Cercas (in Spanish)
Javier Cercas (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)


1987 El móvil (The Motive) (novel)
1989 El inquilino (The Tenant) (novel)
1993 La obra literaria de Gonzalo Suárez (literature)
1997 El vientre de la ballena (novel)
1998 Una buena temporada (articles)
2000 Relatos reales (articles)
2001 Soldados de Salamina (Soldiers of Salamis) (novel)
2002 Álbúm Galmes (literature)
2003 Diálogos de Salamina: un paseo por el cine y la literatura (literature, cinema)
2005 La velocidad de la luz (The Speed of Light) (novel)
2006 La verdad de Agamenón (articles)
2009 Anatomía de un instante (The Anatomy of a Moment) (novel)
2012 Las leyes de la frontera (Outlaws) (novel)
2014 El Impostor (The Impostor) (novel)
2016 El punto ciego. Las conferencias Weidenfeld 2015 (The Blind Spot: The Novel from Cervantes to the Present) (essay)
2017 El monarca de las sombras (Lord of All Dead) (novel)
2019 Terra Alta (Even the Darkest Night) (novel)
2021 Independencia: Terra Alta 2 (Prey for the Shadow)
2022 El castillo de Barbazul: Terra Alta 3 (novel)
2023 No callar – Crónicas, ensayos y artículos (essays)