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Espido Freire


Espido Freire was born María Laura Espido Freire in Bilbao in 1974. She started her career as a singer and worked with José Carreras while also studying law. However, the demands of these two caused her to be depressed and she became bulimic, which she describes in her 2002 book. She then gave up music and the law and studied English Philology. At the age of twenty-five, she became the youngest writer to win the Planeta Prize. She has since written novels, stories, essays, poetry and a children’s book. She is known for her non-fiction writing, particularly dealing with the plight of the younger generation and the mileuristas, i.e. those earning below €1000 a month. She has also been involved in the animal rights movement.

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Espido Freire
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Espido Freire (in Spanish)
Espido Freire (in Spanish)
Espido Freire (in Spanish)
Espido Freire (in Spanish)


1998 Irlanda (Irlanda) (novel)
1999 Donde siempre es octubre (novel)
1999 Melocotones helados [Frozen Peaches] (novel)
2000 Primer amor (essay)
2001 Diabulus in Musica (novel)
2001 El tiempo huye (stories)
2001 Aland la blanca (poetry)
2002 Cuando comer es un infierno. Confesiones de una bulímica (essay)
2003 Cuentos malvados (stories)
2003 Nos espera la noche (novel)
2003 La última batalla de Vincavec el bandido (children’s)
2004 Juegos míos (stories)
2004 Querida Jane, querida Charlotte (literature)
2005 La diosa del pubis azul (novel)
2006 El tiempo huye (stories)
2006 Mileuristas: cuerpo, alma y mente de la generación de los 1000 euros (politics)
2007 Soria Moria (novel)
2008 El trabajo os hará libres (stories)
2008 Mileuristas II: la generación de las mil emociones (politics)
2009 Hijos del fin del mundo: De Roncesvalles a Finisterre (novel)
2011 La flor del Norte (novel)
2013 Los malos del cuento. Cómo sobrevivir entre personas tóxicas (essay)
2014 Quería volar: cuando comer era un infierno (essay)
2015 Para vos nací (essay)
2016 El chico de la flecha (children’s)
2017 Llamadme Alejandra (novel)
2019 De la melancolía (novel)
2018 La suerte está echada (children’s)
2018 El misterio del Arca (children’s)
2019 Pioneras: mujeres que abrieron camino (children’s)
2021 Lo siniestro (stories)
2021 Tras los pasos de Jane Austen (literature)
2021 Diccionario de amores y pesares : de la A a la Z
2023 La historia de la mujer en 100 objetos (with Paola Grande)