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Carmen Laforet


Carmen Laforet was born in Barcelona in 1921 but grew up in the Canary Islands. Her father was an architect. Her mother died and her father remarried but neither Laforet nor her siblings got on with their new stepmother. She went to university in Barcelona to study philosophy though she never completed her degree, spending much of 1944 writing her first novel, Nada (Nada). This novel has become a classic of Spanish literature and is the only of her novels to be translated into English. Though she published several more novels/novellas, she never matched the success of her first one. It is this novel that linked her to tremendismo. She died in 2004.

Other links

Carmen Laforet
Official site (in Spanish)
Carmen Laforet (in Spanish)
Carmen Laforet (in Spanish)


1945 Nada (Nada; Andrea) (novel)
1950 La isla y los demonios (novel)
1952 El piano (story)
1952 La muerta (novel)
1953 Un noviazgo (novel)
1954 El viaje divertido (novel)
1954 La niña (novel)
1954 Los emplazados (novel)
1954 La llamada (stories)
1955 La mujer nueva (novel)
1956 Un matrimonio (novel)
1961 Gran Canaria (Grand Canary) (travel)
1963 La insolación (novel)
1967 Paralelo 35 (travel)
1970 La niña y otros relatos (stories)
1977 Artículos literarios (literature)
1981 Mi primer viaje a USA (travel)
2004 Al volver la esquina (novel)
2007 Carta a don Juan (stories)
2008 Romeo y Julieta II (stories)