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Antonio Muñoz Molina


Antonio Muñoz Molina was born in Úbeda in 1956. In his books, the small town of Mágina is clearly based on Úbeda. After a brief period in Madrid when he got caught up in an anti-Franco conspiracy, he studied art in Granada. After marrying – his wife is the writer Elvira Lindo – he took a job in local government. They have three children. His initial writing consisted of columns for the small circulation Diario de Granada (collected in his first two books). His first novel was Beatus Ille, a biography of the fictitious writer, Jacinto Solana but it was with his second novel, El invierno en Lisboa (Winter In Lisbon), that he achieved success. He is a big jazz fan and references to jazz appear in much of his work.

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Antonio Muñoz Molina
His homepage (in Spanish)
Antonio Muñoz Molina (in Spanish)
Antonio Muñoz Molina (in Spanish)
Antonio Muñoz Molina (in Spanish)


1984 El Robinson urbano (articles)
1985 Diario del Nautilus (articles)
1986 Beatus Ille (A Manuscript of Ashes) (novel)
1987 El invierno en Lisboa (Winter In Lisbon) (novel)
1988 Las otras vidas (stories)
1989 Beltenebros (Prince of Shadows) (novel)
1991 Córdoba de los omeyas (essay)
1991 El jinete polaco [The Polish Rider] (novel)
1992 Los misterios de Madrid (novel)
1992 La verdad de la ficción (literature)
1993 La realidad de la ficción (literature)
1993 Nada del otro mundo (stories)
1994 El dueño del secreto (novel)
1995 Las apariencias (essay)
1995 Ardor guerrero (novel)
1996 La huerta del edén: escritos y diatribas sobre Andalucía (essays)
1996 Destierro y destiempo de Max Aub (literature)
1997 Escrito en un instante (essay)
1997 Plenilunio (novel)
1998 Pura alegría (essay)
1998 La colina de los sacrificios (novel)
1999 Carlota Fainberg (novel)
1999 La huella de unas palabras
1999 En ausencia de Blanca (In her Absence) (novel)
2000 Unas gafas de Pla (articles)
2001 Sefarad (Sepharad) (novel)
2002 La vida por delante (articles)
2004 Ventanas de Manhattan (travel diary)
2005 La poseída (novel)
2005 El Salvador (novel)
2006 El viento de la Luna (novel)
2007 Días de diario (novel)
2009 La noche de los tiempos (UK: The Depths of Time; US: In the Night of Time) (novel)
2011 Juan Genovés (art – text in English and Spanish)
2012 El atrevimiento de mirar (art)
2013 Todo lo que era sólido (essays)
2014 Como la sombra que se va (Like a Fading Shadow) (novel)
2105 El faro del fin del Hudson (travel)
2018 Un andar solitario entre la gente (To Walk Alone in the Crowd) (novel)
2019 Tus pasos en la escalera (novel)
2020 Madrid (travel)
2021 Volver a dónde (novel)
2022 El dueño del secreto (novel)
2023 No te veré morir (novel)