The Washington Post’s Jonathan Yardley’s eleven best American novels

According to the Washington Post’s critic Jonathan Yardley, these are the only eleven American novels that deserved publication in the lifetime of the Post.

1. Bellow, Saul: Adventures of Augie March
2. Twain, Mark: Huckleberry Finn
3. Dreiser, Theodore: Sister Carrie
4. Wharton, Edith: House of Mirth
5. Cather, Willa: Death Comes for the Archbishop
6. Fitzgerald, F Scott: The Great Gatsby
7. Faulkner, William: The Sound and the Fury
8. Faulkner, William: Light in August
9. Faulkner, William: Absalom, Absalom!
10. Ellison, Ralph: The Invisible Man
11. Nabokov, Vladimir: Lolita