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Guadalupe Nettel


Guadalupe Nettel was born in Mexico City in 1973. She studied Hispanic literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and then took a PhD in linguistics from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris. her doctoral thesis on Octavio Paz became the basis for a book she wrote on Paz. She has since published novels, short stories and essays.

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Guadalupe Nettel
Guadalupe Nettel
Her Facebook page (in Spanish)
Her Twitter page (in Spanish)
Guadalupe Nettel (in Spanish)
Nettel, Guadalupe (in Spanish)
Textos por Guadalupe Nettel (articles by Nettel in máspormás – in Spanish)


2002 Les jours fossiles (stories)
2006 El huésped (novel)
2008 Pétalos y otras historias incómodas (Bezoar and Other Unsettling Stories) (stories)
2008 Para entender a Julio Cortázar (literature)
2011 El cuerpo en que nací (The Body Where I was Born) (novel)
2013 El matrimonio de los peces rojos (Natural Histories)
2014 Después del invierno (After the Winter) (novel)
2014 Octavio Paz. Las palabras en libertad (literature)
2020 La hija única (novel)