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Robert Coover: Gerald’s Party

Plot? This is pomo. You don’t get a plot. Gerald is having some sort of wild party and Ros gets herself killed (well, she would, wouldn’t she?). Her corpse becomes the focus of attention for the party, much to the dismay of Roger, her husband. Meanwhile, sex and drugs and rock and roll, probably in that order of priority, run riot as Coover pokes fun at pseudo-intellectuals, party-goers, the police and anyone else who comes anywhere near his reach. Many of the party-goers are theater, sorry, Theatre people, giving Coover the opportunity to poke fun at the luvvies as well as discoursing somewhat on theatre, as he does on life and love and all that stuff. But what is it about, I hear you ask. Just telling stories, as far as I could tell. But there’s gotta be a sub-text there, somewhere.

Publishing history

First published 1986 by Simon & Schuster