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American writers want not to be good, but great and so are neither. (Gore Vidal)


Abish, Acker, Algren, Anderson, Auslander, Auster, Baker, Barnes, Barth, Donald Barthelme, Batchelor, Richard Bausch, Baxter, Beattie, Bell, Bellow, Bolton, Jane Bowles, Paul Bowles, Kay Boyle, T C Boyle, Brodkey, Burns, Burroughs, Caldwell, Calisher, Cantor, Cather, Chabon, Chopin, Coover, Creeley, Cunningham, Daitch, Danielewski, Dara, Kathryn Davis, De la Pava, DeLillo, Didion, Doctorow, Donleavy, Dos Passos, Douglas, Dreiser, Dufresne, Egan, Ellmann, Eyster, Farrell, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Foster, Franzen, Frazier, Gaddis, Garrett, Gass, Gautreaux, Glasgow, Gordon, Guterson, Hannah, Harbach, Haslett, Hawkes, Heller, Hemingway, Homes, Humes, Denis Johnson, Jones Pearson, William Kennedy, Kerouac, Kesey, Kleeman, Kosinski, Krauss, Kunkel, Langley, Larsen, Lethem, Leyner, Littell, Lurie, Lytle, Mailer, Malamud, Marius, Markovits, Markson, Marlantes, Cormac McCarthy, Mary McCarthy, McCullers, McElroy, McGuane, McMahon, Meyer, Sue Miller, Minot, Lorrie Moore, C. E. Morgan, Wright Morris, Morrow, Nabokov, Nordan, Oates, O’Brien, O’Connor, Ozeki, Packer, Patchett, Percy, Phillips, Plath, Dawn Powell, Powers, Proulx, Purdy, Pynchon, Robinson, Philip Roth, Rush, Russo, Salinger, Salter, Savage, Schneck, Scott, Sinclair, Sontag, Stafford, Stein, Stone, Styron, Tartt, Tate, Toole, Tyler, Updike, Vliet, Vollmann, Wallace, Waters, Wayne, Weaver, Weesner, Welty, West, Wharton, Whittemore, John Williams, Wolfe, Austin Tappan Wright, Wurlitzer, Yates


Baldwin, Bambara, Durham, Ellison, Forrest, Hurston, Kelley, Morrison, Michael Thomas, Toomer, Walker, Whitehead, Richard Wright

Native American

Alexie, Dorris, Gunn, Momaday, Silko

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