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Saul Bellow


Saul Bellow was born in 1915 in Lachine, Quebec, now a suburb of Montreal, two years after his parents had emigrated from St Petersburg. He grew up speaking English, French, Hebrew and Yiddish. When he was nine, the family emigrated to Chicago. His father had financial difficulties and his mother died when he was fifteen. He went to the University of Chicago to study English but then transferred to Northwestern where he studied anthropology. He determined early on to be a writer and started by writing reviews before turning to novels. He had success early with the Dangling Man and continued to produce a string of critically and commercially successful novels. Though he is, of course, Jewish, he rejected the tag Jewish novelist. Some of his heroes are Jewish and some are not. However, in his account of his visit to Israel, he was severely criticised by Noam Chomsky for his uncritical support of Israel and his support of the really awful Joan Peters book. He won the Nobel Prize in 1976 and died in 2005.

Books about Saul Bellow

James Atlas: Bellow: A Biography

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Saul Bellow
Saul Bellow
Saul Bellow
Saul Bellow (1915-2005)
Featured Author: Saul Bellow
Saul Bellow In Retrospect
Biography of Saul Bellow
Novelists and critics remember an American master
Paris Review Interview


1944 Dangling Man (novel)
1947 The Victim (novel)
1953 The Adventures of Augie March (novel)
1956 Seize the Day (novel)
1959 Henderson the Rain King (novel)
1964 Herzog (novel)
1965 The Last Analysis (drama)
1968 Mosby’s Memoirs (novel)
1970 Mr. Sammler’s Planet (novel)
1975 Humboldt’s Gift (novel)
1976 To Jerusalem and Back, a Personal Account
1982 The Dean’s December (novel)
1984 Him with His Foot in His Mouth (stories)
1987 More Die of Heartbreak (novel)
1989 A Theft (novel)
1989 The Bellarosa Connection (novel)
1991 Something to Remember Me By (non-fiction)
1994 It All Adds Up: From the Dim Past to the Uncertain Future: A Nonfiction Collection
1997 The Actual (novel)
2000 Ravelstein (novel)
2001 Collected Stories
2010 Letters
2013 Settling My Accounts Before I Go Away (interviews)
2015 There is Simply Too Much to Think About – Collected Nonfiction
2018 Leaving the Yellow House (story)