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George Friel


George Friel was born in Glasgow in 1910. He was educated at St Mungo’s Academy. After taking his M.A. at Glasgow University he trained as a teacher and then married. He worked most of his life as a teacher, though he hated it, with only a break for military service in the war. He died of cancer in 1975. His work was about the ordinary lives of ordinary people, coloured by his dark sense of humour. It made particular reference to the Scottish education system, of which he was not enamoured. He was influenced by James Joyce and even planned to write a Glasgow version of Dubliners.

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George Friel
George Friel
George Friel


1959 The Bank of Time
1964 The Boy who Wanted Peace
1969 Grace and Miss Partridge
1972 Mr Alfred M.A.
1974 An Empty House
1992 A Friend of Humanity (stories)