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Ana María Matute


Ana María Matute was born in Barcelona in 1926. Her father owned an umbrella factory in Barcelona. She was often ill as a child and spent much time with her grandparents in the country, where she grew to love nature. However, a sense of isolation also developed in her, as she was far from children of her own age. She was ten when the Spanish Civil War started and the theme of death and violence had a major influence on her work. She attended college both in Barcelona and Madrid but dropped out to write, paint and play the violin. However, with the publication of her first story in 1942 she concentrated on writing. In 1952 she married Ramón Eugenio de Goicochea and they had a son. Their marriage broke up in the early 1960s and they legally separated in 1963 (divorce was not allowed in Spain at the time.) Los hijos muertos (The Lost Children), about her experiences in the Civil War, was her first major success but she is best known for the Civil War trilogy known as Los Mercaderes, consisting of Primera memoria (School of the Sun), Los soldados lloran de noche (Soldiers Cry by Night) and La trampa (The Trap) . She died in 2014.

Books about Ana María Matute

Janet Winecoff Díaz: Ana María Matute

Other sites

Ana María Matute
Ana María Matute
Ana María Matute (in Spanish)
Ana María Matute (in Spanish)
Ana María Matute (in Spanish)
Ana María Matute (in Spanish)
Matute, Ana María (in Spanish)
Interview (in Spanish)
Interview (bio in Catalan and interview in Spanish – scroll down)


1948 Los Abel (novel)
1953 Fiesta al noroeste (Celebration in the Northwest) (novel)
1953 La pequeña vida (stories)
1954 Pequeño teatro (novel)
1955 En esta tierra (novel)
1955 Los cuentos, vagabundos
1956 Los niños tontos (stories)
1956 Vida nueva (stories)
1957 El tiempo (stories)
1957 El país de la pizarra (stories)
1958 Los hijos muertos (The Lost Children) (novel)
1960 Paulina, el mundo y las estrellas (stories)
1960 Primera memoria (School of the Sun; later The Island) (novel)
1960 El saltamontes verde; El aprendiz (stories)
1961 Historias de la Artámila (novel)
1961 Libro de juegos para los niños de los otros (stories)
1961 Tres y un sueño (stories)
1961 Historia de la Artámila (stories)
1961 A la mitad del camino (stories)
1961 El arrepentido (stories)
1962 Caballito loco; Carnavalito
1963 El río
1964 Los soldados lloran de noche (Soldiers Cry by Night) (novel)
1965 Doce historias de la Artámila
1965 El polizón del”Ulises”
1967 El arrepentimiento y otras narraciones
1968 Algunos muchachos (The Heliotrope Wall and Other Stories) (stories)
1969 La trampa (The Trap) (novel)
1970 Five Stories
1971 La torre vigia (novel)
1972 Carnavalito; El aprendiz (stories)
1973 El río (novel)
1983 Sólo un pie descalzo (stories)
1990 La virgen de Antioquía y otros relatos (stories)
1991 El árbol de oro y otros relatos (stories)
1992 Luciérnagas (Fireflies) (novel)
1993 De ninguna parte y otros relatos (stories)
1993 El saltamontes verde y otros cuentos (stories)
1994 La oveja negra (stories)
1995 El verdadero final de la bella durmiente (stories)
1996 Olvidado rey Gudú (novel)
1997 La ciudad de la luz
1997 Casa de juegos prohibidos: textos inocentes (stories)
1998 Los de la tienda; El maestro; Toda la brutalidad del mundo (stories)
2000 Aranmanoth (novel)
2000 Todos mis cuentos (stories)
2002 Cuentos de infancia (stories)
2008 Paraíso inhabitado [Uninhabited Paradise] (novel)
2010 La puerta de la luna. Cuentos completos (stories)
2011 Cuentos de niños y niñas (children’s)
2011 Una estrella en la piel y otros cuentos (stories)
2013 El aprendiz (children’s)
2104 Demonios familiares (novel)
2014 Cuentos de la puerta de la luna (stories)
2015 Carnavalito (children’s)