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Montserrat Roig


Montserrat Roig was born in Barcelona in 1946. Her father was a writer and a lawyer. She studied dramatic at the Instituto Montserrat. She would later write a play, which was performed. She then studied philosophy and literature at the University of Barcelona. As this was in 1968, she became very much involved in left-wing politics. She started working for the Gran Enciclopedia Catalana and also started writing fiction, receiving a prize for her first collection of stories. She also started working as a journalist and went on to have a successful career as one. She wrote novels, stories, non-fiction and a play. She died in 1991 of breast cancer. Few of her works has been translated into English.

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Montserrat Roig
Montserrat Roig
Montserrat Roig (in Spanish)
Montserrat Roig (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)
Montserrat Roig (in Catalan)
Montserrat Roig (in Catalan)
Montserrat Roig (in Catalan)
Montserrat Roig (in Catalan)


1970 Molta roba i poc sabó… i tan neta que la volen (stories)
1972 Ramona, adéu! (Goodbye, Ramona) (novel)
1977 El temps de les cireres (The Time of Cherries) (novel)
1977 Els catalans als camps nazis (non-fiction)
1980 ¿Tiempo de mujer? (non-fiction)
1980 L’hora violeta (novel)
1985 L’agulla daurada (non-fiction)
1985 L’òpera quotidiana (novel)
1987 La veu melodiosa (novel)
1989 El cant de la joventut (The Song of Youth) (stories)
1990 L’autèntica història de Catalunya (non-fiction)
1991 Digues que m’estimes encara que sigui mentida (non-fiction)
1992 Un pensament de sal, un pessic de pebre : dietari obert (non-fiction)
1994 Última crónica : diario abierto 1990-1991 (diary)
1998 De com s’inicia l’educació sentimental de la mudeta Claret i altres contes (stories)
2001 La lluita contra l’oblit : escrits sobre la deportació (non-fiction)
2011 Diari d’uns anys (1975-1981) (diary)