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Salvador Elizondo


Salvador Elizondo was born in 1932 in Mexico City. His father was a diplomat and film producer. He spent some time in Germany before World War II and then three years in a military school in California. He then studied plastic arts in Mexico City and literature in various places, including Cambridge and Paris. He also founded various magazines, including ones devoted to film. He went on to write stories and novels, two of which have been translated into English. He died in 2006.

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Salvador Elizondo
In the moment of the word: the late Mexican author Salvador Elizondo pursued spontaneity in the act of writing daring, unorthodox works
The Founding of Rome (article by Elizondo)
Salvador Elizondo (in Spanish)
Salvador Elizondo (in Spanish)


1960 Poemas (poetry)
1963 Luchino Visconti (cinema)
1965 Farabeuf o la crónica de un instante (Farabeuf) (novel)
1966 Narda o el verano (stories)
1966 Autobiografía
1968 El hipogeo secreto (The Secret Crypt) (novel)
1969 Cuaderno de escritura (articles)
1969 El retrato de Zoe y otras mentiras (stories)
1972 El grafógrafo (stories)
1973 Contextos (criticism)
1974 Antología personal (unpublished texts)
1983 Camera lucida (texts)
19854 La luz que regresa (texts)
1988 lsinore: un cuaderno (story)
1992 Estanquillo (texts)
1993 Teoría del infierno (essay)
2000 Autobiografía precoz,
2007 Pasado anterior (articles)
2013 La Historia según Pao Cheng (story)