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Tahar Djaout


He was born in 1954 in Azzefoun, Kabylia. He obtained university degrees in mathematics and in communications and became a journalist, eventually founding Ruptures, of which he was editor. He started his literary career as a poet but also wrote novels, taking as his theme the individual and his roots against Government oppression. Djaout was murdered in 1993 in the first wave of Islamic terrorist attacks against intellectuals.

Books about Tahar Djaout

Julija Sukys: Silence Is Death: The Life and Work of Tahar Djaout

Other links

Tahar Djaout
Algerian writer Tahar Djaout murdered by the Armed Islamic Group
Tahar Djaout (in French)
Tahar Djaout (in French)
Tahar Djaout (in French)
Tahar Djaout, romancier du verbe libre (in French)
Assassinat de Tahar Djaout : un crime sans coupables (in French)
Interview (in French)


1975 Solstice barbelé : 1973-1975 (poetry)
1978 L’Arche à vau-l’eau : poèmes, 1971-1973
1980 Insulaire & Cie
1981 L’exproprié
1982 L’Oiseau minéral
1983 L’Etreinte du sablier
1984 Les chercheurs d’os (The Bone Seekers)
1984 Les rets de l’oiseleur : nouvelles
1987 L’invention du désert [The Invention of the Desert]
1991 Les vigiles (The Watchers)
1996 Pérennes. Poésies
1999 Le dernier été de la Raison (The Last Summer of Reason)
2004 Fragments d’itinéraire journalistique
2013 Une mémoire mise en signes: ecrits sur l’art