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Ernesto Sabato


Ernesto Sabato is probably the best-known Argentinian novelist after Julio Cortázar. He was born in 1911 in Rojas and trained as a physicist and mathematician. He became a communist but was turned off communism by the Moscow trials shortly before he himself was to go to Russia. With a doctorate in physics he worked in the Curie Laboratory in Paris when the first uranium atom was split. He published his first novel – El túnel (The Outsider; The Tunnel) – in 1940. This is an existentialist-type novel dealing with the favorite themes of alienation and isolation and is now a classic of Latin American literature. However, it is Sobre heroes y tumbas (On Heroes and Tombs) which can be said to be one of the great classics of Latin American literature which, using the backdrop of Argentinian history, deals with the key theme of finding meaning in a world gone mad. It is undoubtedly one of the five Latin American novels that everyone should read. (The other four? That is, indeed, the question.) While best known as a novelist, Sabato has also written many essays of a philosophical and political nature, including works critical of Peronism. He died in 2011.

Books about Ernesto Sabato

Carlos Catania: Retrato de Ernesto Sabato (in Spanish)
Julia Constenla: Sabato, el hombre : una biografía (in Spanish)
Harley Dean Oberhelman: Ernest Sabato

Other sites

Ernesto Sabato
Ernesto Sabato (in Spanish)
Ernesto Sábato (in Spanish)
Ernesto Sábato (in Spanish)
Ernesto Sábato (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)
Obituary (in Spanish)


1945 Uno y el universo
1948 El túnel (The Outsider; The Tunnel)
1953 Heterodoxia
1956 El otro rostro del peronismo: carta abierta a Mario Amadeo
1962 Itinerario
1963 El escritor y sus fantasmas
1965 Sobre heroes y tumbas (On Heroes and Tombs)
1965 Tango: discusión y clave
1966 Obras de ficción
1966 Significado de Pedro Henríquez Ureña
1967 Qué es el existencialismo
1968 Informe sobre ciegos
1968 Tres aproximaciones a la literatura de nuestro tiempo: Robbe-Grillet, Borges, Sartre
1969 La convulsión política y social de nuestro tiempo
1970 Obras: ensayos
1970 Hombres y engranajes
1971 Claves políticas
1973 La cultura en la encrucijada nacional
1974 Abaddón, el exterminador (The Angel of Darkness)
1974 Eduardo Falú
1974 Páginas vivas
1975 Antología
1976 El escritor y la crisis contemporánea (The Writer in the Catastrophe of our Time)
1979 Apologías y rechazos
1979 Cuatro hombres de pueblo
1981 La robotización del hombre y otras páginas
1982 Narrativa completa
1983 Páginas de Ernesto Sabato, seleccionadas por el autor
1984 Sabato oral
1986 Cultura y educación
1989 Entre la letra y la sangre: conversaciones con Carlos Catania
1989 Lo mejor de Ernesto Sabato
1996 Ensayos
1996 Obra completa, ensayos
1997 Obra completa
1998 Antes del fin
2000 La resistencia
2002 Confesiones de un viejo escritor
2004 España en los diarios de mi vejez
2007 Uno y el universo