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Antônio Xerxenesky


Antônio Xerxeneskya was born in 1984 in Porto Alegre. He started studying physics at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, PortoAlegre, but then switched to literature. In his master’s on comparative literature, he focussed on Roberto Bolaño and Enrique Vila-Matas. He was co-founder of the publisher Não Editora. He has since published novels and stories.

Other links

Antônio Xerxenesky
Seizing Cervantes (story by Xerxenesky)
Antônio Xerxenesky (in Portuguese)
Interview (in Portuguese)
Interview (in Portuguese)


2006 Entre (stories)
2010 Areia nos dentes (novel)
2011 A página assombrada por fantasmas (stories)
2014 F (novel)
2017 As perguntas (novel)