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Vera Mutafchieva


Vera Mutafchieva was born in 1929 in Sofia. Her father was a professor of history. She studied at Sofia University. She was a senior researcher at various institutes of the BAS (Institute of History; Institute of Balkan Studies; Institute of Demographic Studies; Institute of Literature). Her research focused on the Ottoman period on which she published dozens of studies in Bulgarian and European journals. She also wrote many historical novels, one of which has been translated into English. She also wrote film scripts.

From 1997 to 1998, Mutafchieva was head of the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad. In 2008, it was revealed that she had collaborated with the secret police in communist Bulgaria. She died in 2009.

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Vera Mutafchieva
Vera Mutafchieva
Official page of Vera Mutafchieva (in Bulgarian)


1962 Аграрните отношения в Османската империя през XV-XVI в Agrarian Relations in the Ottoman Empire in the 15. and 16. Centuries

1965 – 1966 Летопис на смутното време (fiction)
1967 Случаят Джем (The Case of Cem)) (fiction)
1969 Последните Шишмановци (fiction)
1969 Bulgaria’s Past (with Nikolai Todorov)
1969 И Клио е муза (essay)
1970 Рицарят (fiction)
1972 Процесът 1873 (fiction)
1973 Белот на две ръце (fiction)
1974 Повест с двойно дъно (fiction)
1975 дилогията Алкивиад Малки (fiction)
1976 Алкивиад Велики (fiction)
1978 Книга за Софроний (fiction)
1980 Предречено от Пагане (fiction)
1983 Образ невъзможен. Младостта на Раковски (fiction)
1985 Бомбите (fiction)
1987 Белия свят (essay)
1985 Съединението прави силата (fiction)
1991Аз, Анна Комнина (fiction)
1995 Реакции (essay)
1997 Разгадавайки баща си (memoirs)
1997 И страшно е, майко, и весело (essay)
1998 Нека се сбогуваме с XX век (essay)
2000 Семейна сага (memoirs)
2000, 2001, 2003 Бивалици, кн. 1,2,3 (memoirs)
2001 Навиканите Балкани (essay)
2005 Не/Бивалици (memoirs)
2008 Засега (essay)