Antal Szerb
Antal Szerb was born in 1901 in Budapest. His parents were Jewish but assimilated and he was baptised as a Catholic. He studied Hungarian, French and English and then lived for a few years in France, Italy and England. He became a scholar, writing learned works on Blake and Ibsen, amongst others. He published three novels, stories and a well-respected History of World Literature, as well as translating books from English, French and Italian. Desire anti-Semitic outbreaks, he chose to remain in Hungary and, in 1943, was sent to a concentration camp, where he was beaten to death in 1945.
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Antal Szerb
Antal Szerb
Antal Szerb
Szerb, Antal
Laughing Off Disaster (profile)
Growing up with Antal Szerb
(Note only books translated in English)
1934 A Pendragon-legenda (The Pendragon Legend)
1935 Szerelem a palackban (Love in a Bottle)
1936 A harmadik torony (The Third Tower: Journeys in Italy)
1937 Utas és holdvilág (Journey by Moonlight)
1942 VII. Olivér (Oliver VII)
1943 A királyné nyaklánca (The Queen’s Necklace)