Home » Hungary » György (George) Konrád
György (George) Konrád
György Konrád (often known as George Konrad in the West) was born in Debrecen in 1933 and grew up in nearby Berettyóújfalu. His father was a hardware merchant. He narrowly escaped being killed in the Holocaust by hiding in a safe house, with his sister. He studied literature at the Loránd Eötvös University and worked as a social worker, editor, librarian, and sociologist, careers that have been the subject of his fiction. His novels have been bleak and grim portraits of the downside of the Hungarian and Communist regime and follow on from, both in terms of display of talent and portrayals of despair, the works of Franz Kafka. In 1990, Konrád was elected president of International P.E.N., the first Central European to hold this position. He died in 2019.
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György Konrád
György Konrád
His homepage (in Hungarian)
(Note only books translated in English given)
1969 A látogató (The Case Worker)
1977 A városalapító (The City Builder)
1978 Cinkos (The Loser)
1978 Az értelmiség útja az osztáslyhatalomhoz (The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power)
1983 Antipolitika (Antipolitics)
1989 Kerti mulatság (A Feast in the Garden)
1991 Az újjászületés melankóliája (The Melancholy of Rebirth: Essays from Post-Communist Central Europe, 1989-1994)
1994 Koóra (Stonedial)
1994 The Invisible Voice: Meditations on Jewish Themes
2001 Elutazás és hazatérés (A Guest in My Own Country: A Hungarian Life) (memoir)