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Magda Szabó


Magda Szabó was born in 1917 in Debrecen. She read Latin and Hungarian at the University of Debrecen and then became a teacher, before working as a civil servant. She started writing poetry and, after the War, was associated with the Újhold group, a group of young writers associated with the magazine of the same name (it means New Moon). She won the Baumgarten Prize but it was immediately withdrawn as she was considered a class enemy, and she also lost her job, returning to teaching. As a result, she started writing fiction, even though she knew that it could be not published in the political climate prevailing at the time. With the political thaw at the end of the Fifties, she was able to publish again and her novels started to be published. She won prizes for her novels and, as well as many novels, she also wrote poetry and drama. She died in 2007.

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Magda Szabó
Magda Szabó
Magda Szabó


1949 Bárány
1949 Vissza az emberig
1958 Neszek
1958 Freskó
1958 Mondják meg sófikának (Tell Sally …)
1958 Bárány Boldizsár
1959 Sziget-kék
1959 Az őz (The Fawn)
1960 Disznótor (Night of the Pig-Killing)
1961 Álarcosbál
1962 Születésnap
1963 Pilátus (Iza’s Ballad)
1964 A Danaida
1965 Tündér Lala (The Gift of the Wondrous Fig Tree)
1965 Hullámok kergetése
1966 Eleven képét a világnak
1967 Mózes egy, huszonketto
1967 Alvók futása
1968 Zeusz küszöbén
1968 Katalin utca (Katalin Street)
1970 Ókút
1970 Abigél (Abigail)
1973 A szemlélok
1975 Szilfán halat
1975 Az órák és a farkasok
1977 Régimódi történet
1980 Eronk szerint
1980 Kívül a körön
1983 Megmaradt Szobotkának
1984 Béla Király
1987 Az ajtó (The Door)
1987 Az öregség villogó csucsain
1987 Záróvizsga
1990 Creusais A pillanat
1992 A Félistenek szomorúsága
1994 Az a szép, fényes nap
1996 A lepke logikája
1997 Ne féj!
1999 Mézes sók Cerberusnak
2000 Merszi, Möszjő
2002 Für Elise
2005 A macskák szerdája
2006 Békekötés
2009 Örömhozó, bánatrontó – Levelek a szomszédba
2010 Drága Kumacs! – Levelek Haldimann Évának
2011 Liber Mortis
2013 Cili. 1. rész.