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Vassily Aksyonov
Vassily Aksyonov was the son of Russian writer Evgenia Ginzburg. Ginzburg and her husband were staunch communists but she was arrested in 1937 and sent into exile with her son, who had been born in 1932 in Kazan. Aksyonov studied medicine and became a doctor. However, he took up writing in the early Sixties, writing primarily about youthful rebels attracted to Western culture, before moving to works with more satire and parody as well as more fantasy, as he discussed the topic of the failure of Stalinism. He was already in disfavour with the Soviet authorities, when he became associated with the independent (and uncensored) literary magazine Metropol, which led to him being forced into exile in the West. He was a professor at George Mason University in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. till his retirement in 2003. He died in 2009.
Books about Vassily Aksyonov
Edward Mosejko: Vasiliy Pavlovich Aksyonov: a Writer in Quest of Himself
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Vasily Aksyonov
Vassily Aksyonov
Василий Павлович Аксенов (in Russian)
1960 Коллеги (Colleagues)
1961 Звёздный билет (A Starry Ticket; A Ticket to the Stars)
1963 Апельсины из Марокко [Oranges from Morocco]
1964 Катапульта
1965 Пора, мой друг, пора (It’s Time, My Friend, It’s Time)
1966 На полпути к Луне
1968 Затоваренная бочкотара (Surplussed Barrelware)
1969 Жаль, что вас не было с нами
1969 Любовь к электричеству
1973 Сундучок, в котором что-то стучит
1977 В поисках жанра
1979 Остров Крым (The Island of Crimea)
1979 Стальная птица (The Steel Bird and Other Stories)
1980 Ожог (The Burn)
1980 Золотая наша Железка (Our Golden Ironburg: a Novel with Formulas)
1981 Право на остров
1981 Аристофаниана с лягушками
1982 Бумажный пейзаж
1985 Скажи изюм (Say Cheese!)
1987 В поисках грустного бэби (In Search of Melancholy Baby)
1987 Quest for an Island (selections)
1989 Yolk of the Egg
1991 The Destruction of Pompeii & Other Stories
1991 Мой дедушка-памятник
1993 Поколение зимы (Generations of Winter)
1993 Московская сага: трилогия
1995 Негатив положительного героя
1996 Тюрьма и мир (The Winter’s Hero)
1997 Новый сладостный стиль (The New Sweet Style)
2000 Кесарево свечение
2003 Желток яйца: сборник произведений
2004 Американская кириллица
2004 Вольтерьянцы и вольтерьянки
2006 Москва Ква-Ква
2007 Редкие земли
2007 Всегда в продаже
2007 Таинственная страсть
2007 Край недоступных фудзиям: стихи с объяснениями
2008 Малые святцы
2009 Логово льва: забытые рассказы
2009 Аврора Горелика: пьесы
2010 Ленд-лизовские
2010 Время ноль
2011 Самсон и Самсониха