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Benedict Erofeev


Benedict Erofeev is the name under which his work has appeared in English but he is also known as Venedikt or Venedict as his first name and Yerofeyev or Erofeyev as his last name. He was born in Kandalaksha, Murmansk in 1938. His father was a station master, who was imprisoned for anti-Soviet propaganda. He studied at the Moscow State University Faculty of Philology and elsewhere but was expelled from all of them and worked at various odd jobs. He wrote various works but these were either published abroad, in samizdat or after perestroika. After contracting throat cancer, he was received into the Catholic Church. He died in 1990.

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Venedikt Yerofeyev
Ерофеев, Венедикт Васильевич (in Russian)


1977 Москва — Петушки (UK: Moscow Circles later: Moscow Stations; US: Moscow to the End of the Line) (novel)
1985 Вальпургиева ночь, или Шаги Командора (drama)
1988 Моя маленькая лениниана (mock biography)
1989 Василий Розанов глазами эксцентрика (essay)
1990 Русская красавица (Russian Beauty) (novel)
1990 Жизнь с идиотом (Life With an Idiot)
1995 Записки психопата (memoir)
2004 Хороший Сталин (Good Stalin) (novel)
2005 Записные книжкиа (notebooks)
2005 Вальпургиева ночь (Walpurgis Night (novel)
2005 Малая проза (short fiction)