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Leonid Girshovich
Leonid Girshovich was born in Leningrad in 1948. He studied music at the Moscow Conservatory and then at the Leningrad Conservatory. He later became a violinist in the Leningrad Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra. In 1973, he emigrated to Israel and then, in 1980, went to Germany where he is Kammermusiker (honorary title for a distinguished instrumentalist) at the Hanover Opera. He has written novels and works on music.
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Léonid Guirchovitch (in French)
Гиршович, Леонид Моисеевич (in Russian)
Леонид Гиршович (in Russian)
Interview (in Russian)
1992 Обмененные головы (novel)
1997 Чародеи со скрипками (novels, essay)
1998 Прайс [Preis] (novel)
2001 Замкнутые миры доктора Прайса (story)
2001 Суббота навсегда (novel)
2005 «Вий», вокальный цикл Шуберта на слова Гоголя (novel)
2006 Фашизм и наоборот (story)
2008 Шаутбенахт (stories)
2011 Обмененные головы (novel)
2016 Арена XX (novel)
2017 Мозаика малых дел (novel)
2020 Тайное имя ЙХВХ : шпионский роман-фантазия (novel)