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Konstantin Paustovsky


Konstantin Paustovsky was born in Moscow in 1892. His father descended from the Zaporizhia Cossack, while his mother was of Polish origin. He grew up in Ukraine. He studied physics and maths at the University of Kiev, before switching to philosophy. Mikhail Bulgakov was one of his classmates. He transferred to the University of Moscow. However, World War I broke out before he finished his studies. He served as a paramedic on a train before returning to his mother when two of his brothers were killed.
He worked at various jobs and was working with a fishermen’s cooperative when he started work on his novel Романтики [The Romantics].

He had already written poems, stories and short novels by this time. Among other things, he wrote about the industrial development of the Soviet Union and historical themes. During World War II, he worked as a war correspondent. He also taught literature. He will be best remembered for his six-volume autobiography Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life), available in English. He died in 1968,

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Konstantin Paustovsky
Konstantin Paustovsky
Паустовский, Константин Георгиевич (in Russian)
Константин Паустовский mainly bibliographical – in Russian)


1925 Морские наброски (stories)
1927 Минетоза (stories)
1928 Встречные корабли (stories)
1929 Блистающие облака (novel)
1932 Кара-Бугаз (The Black Gulf) (novel)
1933 Судьба Шарля Лонсевиля (novel)
1934 Колхида (novel)
1935 Романтики (novel)
1936 Чёрное море (novel)
1937 Созвездие гончих псов (novel)
1937 Исаак Левитан (story)
1937 Орест Кипренский (story)
1937 Летних днях (story)
1938 Северная повесть (novel)
1939 Тарас Шевченко (story)
1939 Мещерской стороне (story)
1941 Жильцах старого дома (story)
1955 Золотая роза (The Golden Rose) (novel)
1945 Далёкие годы (Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life (1)
1954 Бег времени (The Flight of Time) (stories)
1955 Беспокойная юность(Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life (2)
1957 Начало неведомого векаюность(Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life (3)
1959 Время больших ожиданийюность(Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life (4)
1960 Бросок на Югюность(Повеюность(Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life (5)
1962 Золотой линь (The Golden Tench) (story)
1963 Книга скитаний(Повеюность(Повестью о жизни (Story of a Life (6)
1966 Книга о художниках (A Book About Artists)
1967 Selected Stories
1969 Стальное колечко (The Magic Ringlet) (children’s)
1969 Растрёпанный воробей (The Ruffled Sparrow) (children’s)
1976 Поэтическое излучение : повести, рассказы, писма (storeis, letters)
1982 Во глубине России (In the Heart of Russia) (stories)
1995 Rainy Dawn and Other Stories
2005 White Rainbow and Other Romantic Tales
2017 Childhood Dreams (children’s stories)