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Sergey Kuznetsov


Sergey Kuznetsov was born in 1966 in Moscow. His father was a well-known chemist and his mother a French teacher. He graduated from Moscow State University’s Department of Chemistry. However he took up literary work, writing about Joseph Brodsky and Thomas Pynchon and translating Stephen King and Susan Sontag into Russian. He has since written numerous works on film and literature.

He started off writing a trilogy of detective novels and has since written a variety of well-received novels. He has also worked as a journalist, writing articles for numerous newspapers and magazines. He also founded the website Booknik, dedicated to the popularisation of Jewish culture. he also founded the SKCG agency (until 2010 – Sergey Kuznetsov Content Group), which specialises in large content projects, interactive marketing and cultural projects. Together with psychologist Ekaterina Kadiyeva, he founded the Marabu Smart Camp, a series of Russian-language children’s educational camps in Europe.

He has been critical of the Russian law on gay propaganda and supported Ukraine when Crimea was annexed.

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Sergey Kuznetsov
Sergey Kuznetsov
Sergey Kuznetsov
His website (in Russian)
Кузнецов, Сергей Юрьевич (in Russian)


2003 Семь лепестков (novel)
2003 Гроб хрустальный (novel)
2004 Серенький волчок (novel)
2004 Нет (вместе с Линор Горалик) (novel)
2004 Ощупывая слона. Заметки по истории русского Интернета (essay)
2005 Гроб хрустальный, версия 2.0 (revised version of Гроб хрустальный – novel)
2005 Подобно тысяче громов (revised version of Семь лепестков – novel)
2005 Шкурка бабочки (Butterfly Skin) (novel)
2010 Хоровод воды (The Round Dance of Water) (novel)
2011 Живые и взрослые (novel)
2014 Живые и взрослые: по ту сторону (novel)
2016 Калейдоскоп. Расходные материалы (novel)
2017 Учитель Дымов (novel)
2018 Живые и взрослые, трилогия (novel)